Trojans are one of the dangerous programs that are very difficult for PC users to identify. They can penetrate your features through every loophole even though they have used a security system. More details, let’s follow what is a Trojan and how does it work?

What are Trojans?
A Trojan is a special file, program, or code that looks convenient, but is actually quite risky because it is a type of malware.
Before entering the next review, you should know that the Trojan virus is designed by hackers to trick users into opening email attachments that include special and dangerous codes.
And the Trojans themselves adapt from ancient Greek stories, where the Trojan horse looks harmless, but actually contains soldiers inside who plunder the city of Troy after people bring it in.
It is the same with Trojan malware where they trick users into downloading and executing malicious programs on the PC.
These Trojans reside in legal software and are usually designed to spy on people or steal information.
But actually it’s not just that, for Trojans will generally fit the purpose when hackers make it.
It can delete information in features, copy information to be stolen and sold, change information, block access to information, to interfere with the performance of the target computer or network.
How Do Trojans Work?
Usually for people who do not understand security systems on PCs such as the use of antivirus and anti-malware, the presence of this Trojan is quite risky.
Alibis are dangerous because the way the Trojan works can appear as a file or program attached to an email and appear to be from a trusted source.
Of course, with a trusted email display, people who don’t understand much about security systems will easily download and open files.
Once this is done, dangerous malware can be installed and activated on the PC or in other devices.
What Kind of Malware Trojan Invasion?
One of the common forms of attack of Trojan malware is spreading harmful content to files and disrupting the computer.
Each Trojan also has a variety of forms because it fits the purpose of the hacker who created it
One thing to keep in mind when implementing security measures against Trojans is performance.
The user must execute the Trojan and then proceed with carrying out the actions designed by the hacker.
Trojan Virus and Methods to Overcome Them
You need to know that this Trojan does not only have one type, but there are several other types according to the goals of the hackers themselves.
Types of Trojan viruses
1. Backdoor Trojan
Cyber hackers use backdoor Trojans as a special method to gain access to computers without being noticed.
This type of backdoor Trojan is often used to install more malware, so it can spy on and collect your information.
2. Banking Trojan
This banking Trojan will infiltrate the features and steal financial login credentials. Hackers use it to hack into your banking and other financial accounts.
3. DDoS Trojan
This type of DDoS Trojan aims to force features into a botnet is a network of linked features that can be controlled remotely by hackers.
They will use botnets to carry out Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) which can shut down websites and other internet services.
4. Dropper or Trojan downloader
Dropper is the initial session in a malware attack which usually consists of 3 parts, namely dropper, loader, and rose or rootkit.
This type of Trojan will later infect features and control for the loader which in turn installs rootkits automatically.
That way you can share hackers access to your features. Downloader Trojan is about to install another type of malware.
5. Exploit Trojan
This Trojan uses exploits are software tricks designed to use a weak software or hardware system so that it can infect it.
6. Fake antivirus trojan
This fake antivirus Trojan will pretend to know viruses and malware in the system, then force you to pay for the security software.
7. Gaming Trojan
This gaming Trojan targets online gamers and steals their login information. Cybercrimes can later use this data to steal valuable items in the game.
8. Infostealer Trojan
Information theft is the goal of this type of Trojan infostealer. They will start performing searches on the feature to find sensitive individual information, then send it to hackers.
Usually, cybercrimes who use this type of Trojan use this data to carry out fraud or theft of evidence.
9. Instant message Trojan
This type will target Instant Message (IM) applications to hijack login credentials and help hackers view your contact records.
New IM applications that use encryption like WhatsApp are not very risky if
compared to the old service, Skype or MSN Messenger. However, you must always be vigilant because malware will always grow.
10. Mailfinder Trojans
This type of email search Trojan will target applications such as Microsoft Office and look for email addresses. Usually, hackers want to send attacks via spam or phishing.
11. Ransomware Trojan
Ransomware is a type of malware that blocks access to your information or features, then condemns to publish, permanently withhold, or destroy information unless you pay the requested ransom.
This Ransomware Trojan uses scams to trick victims into activating their systems.
12. SMS Trojans
Lastly is the SMS Trojan that wants to infect mobile features, usually Android, and send SMS messages to premium services.
Then, what is the method of dealing with Trojan attacks?
After the description of several types of Trojan attacks above, now you also know how to overcome them.
1. Install antivirus
The first step to overcome the Trojan attack is to install an antivirus. This is one of the must-have applications on a PC.
Using an antivirus program on a PC or other features will prevent malware from entering, and can find suspicious things, and can remove Trojans.
2. Make sure you don’t click on the suspicious notification
Next, to deal with the Trojan is to stay away from suspicious pop up notifications.
Usually, hackers or cyber criminals will use panic to carry out or transmit this virus, and one form of it is via pop-up notifications.
If you are browsing a website and suddenly a pop-up appears that reports the device is infected with a virus, don’t panic. But make sure you get out of the web.
4. Try to always download from the official website
After that, about downloading, make sure you always download files or apps from official websites. Files or apps that are defined, for example, are games, e-books or even other apps.
If you download from an informal website, it will actually make the Trojan enter into the file you download and it will be very risky to interfere with the computer.
5. Select and use hosting with the best security system
You also need to know that this Trojan can hit web servers or PCs. Even antivirus alone is not certain to be able to cope with the malware contained on the server.
So, in this case it is very important to use a hosting with the best security system in order to be free from theft of information.
6. Update the Operating System (OS) and applications regularly
The next step, you also have to regularly update your device or individual website. Not only operating systems or applications, but also content management systems (CMS), web plugins, and others.
You need to know that this malware can enter through security system loopholes. As that is the alibi, hosting service providers will regularly upgrade security systems.
7. Be more alert when receiving foreign email
Finally, you must be more vigilant when receiving foreign emails. You may receive a phishing email again.
A phishing email is an email that is intended to deceive and usually includes a file, button, link, or anything else that can be clicked on.